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Skin Care.

We all get acne. It's such a stressful thing to have pimples popping up on your face and then having the chance to leave a scar behind which causes even more stress! All stress does is cause more acne! Stress is one of the main causes of acne, but all acne does is stress you out more which could possibly cause more acne! What a terrible cycle. I myself struggle with acne big time. I'm not the girl with the worst skin in the room, but I am definitely not the best. I'm not even close. My skin is actually pretty bad.

About a year ago, my acne started getting pretty bad. First, pimples started popping up on my forehead, then to my cheeks and chin, and finally to my back and shoulders. Acne can make you so insecure which is what happened to me. Every time a pimple showed up on my face, I would immediately pop it. BAD IDEA! Later on I realized that popping them leaves scars. So here I am today, with a bunch of scars on my cheeks. Thankfully now I don't breakout as much anymore except for when I am on my period. It took me a few months to learn how to control my skin and how to take care of it. Here is what I learned about skin care and some tips to take better care of your face!

  1. Drink lots of water! Always drink water! Staying hydrated is needed for your body and helps keep your skin from getting too dry. Try to drink at least four bottles a day.

  2. Remove makeup before bed. Never sleep with makeup on! Sleeping with makeup on is like asking your face for a breakout. Always remove your makeup and wash your face before bed.

  3. Exfoliate. Exfoliate once to twice a week. Exfoliating a few times a week gets rid of any dead skin cells of off your face, but do not over-exfoliate. Exfoliating too much can cause aggravation and could possibly break you out or cause redness on your face.

  4. Wash your face twice a day. As soon as you wake up, you should wash your face to remove all of the oil that built up on your face while you were sleeping. Before going to bed, also wash your face to remove any oils or dirt from the day.

  5. Be careful about popping pimples. If you have a whitehead or a blackhead, be gentle about popping it. Don't be rough because that will just cause aggravation. Put tissues around your fingers when popping to stop dirt from getting inside of your pores.

  6. Change your pillowcases. You should change your pillowcases at least once a week to avoid breakouts from any oil or dirt leftover on your pillowcases.

  7. Cut down on dairy and chocolate. Dairy and chocolate are known to break you out. Consuming to much ice cream, chocolate, or even milk can be a simple way to an aggravating breakout.

  8. Moisturize. After washing your face, make sure to apply moisturizer to keep moisture in your skin and keep your skin from drying out. Consider using a moisturizer that contains sunscreen to prevent sun damage.


Acne is without a doubt one of the most stressful things to deal with especially as a teenager. Some things I have learned from having acne is everyone gets it at some point, we can't control the breakouts, but we can do our best to prevent it. I've learned to always stay positive, to accept myself, and not be so insecure about it because it's life! I hope these tips can help you guys as much as they have helped me. My skin has shown so much progress and I believe yours will too!

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